Have you been there? firsthand Information on Abadam Local Government in Borno State


Abadam is one of the most remote communities in Nigeria, located in the north Eastern region of Borno State, with a population of about 300,000people, it Borders Chad, Niger Republic and it's very Close to Cameroon. in this article we'll take a look at some of the things to consider before visiting or relocating to Abadam Local Government in Borno state


in abadam Local government, the Power supply is not reliable, there is no or very little power supply, and the voltage frequency is always fluctuating, making the power supply almost unusable.


Security in Abadam is a major concern to everyone, People in this community are still living in fear of being attacked by the insurgency and Banditry in the area, the Nigerian military is constantly deployed to this area and there is constantly a state of Emergency in the region.


Roads in Abadam are a Major concern for its people, the roads are not well constructed, they are just dirt roads, with no tar on the Road and when it rains, the roads turn to mud.


the weather in Abadam local government is hot and dry for most of the year, the wet season usually runs from April to October and it's not unusual for the temperature to reach 50°celsius  

access to water 

The water situation in abadam local government is not good. This is because the area has been ravaged by conflict and insurgency for many years disrupting The water supply system in the local government, There is a scarcity of water and this has been the case for a long time now. The water supply system is not good enough to meet the needs of the people. The people are mostly dependent on boreholes for their water, but most of the boreholes are no longer functioning 

and there are no other sources of clean drinking water in the area. This has led to high rates of cases of diseases caused by unsafe drinking water like cholera, diarrhea, typhoid fever, and others.

Local government officials say that they have been trying their best to restore the proper water supply, but they lack the funds to do so. They say that without funding, it will be difficult for them to restore normalcy in the area.

cost of living 

The cost of living in abadam local government is quite different from other areas in the country. The cost of living is not too high and it depends on the type of lifestyle you choose to live.

For example, if you are a student and you live in hostel accommodation with your friends, your daily expenses will be lower than if you decide to rent an apartment with a family.


The job situation in Abadam Local Government is not very good.  The people are primarily farmers who rely heavily on rain-fed agriculture to produce their food. The lack of reliable water sources and the high rate of insurgency As a result of this, many people have been displaced and are living in camps. It is a very poor area and the people living there are struggling to make ends meet. The unemployment rate in the Abadam Local Government is about 80%. It is a major contributor to poverty in the area.


In the abadam local government, schooling is not compulsory. It is a free service provided by the government to its citizens. The pupils are taught in three shifts. The first shift starts at 7 am and ends at 1 pm, the second shift starts at 1 pm and ends at 5 pm, while the third shift starts from 5 pm to 10 pm.

There are no classes on Fridays. This is because Friday is a holiday in Nigeria.


The people of Abadam live in rural areas and have to travel long distances to get access to healthcare services.

The healthcare system in the Abadam local government is not as developed as it could be. The main hospital in the area lacks the equipment and doctors to provide quality care. With the Boko Haram insurgency, there are very few hospitals and clinics in the area. This means that many people have to travel long distances for basic medical care. This makes it difficult for them to access treatment and can lead them into poverty if they are unable to pay for transport cost


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